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  • Writer's pictureMalaq Ali


Pizza has been one of my favorite foods since the beginning but I was shocked to learn that pizza never really started as pizza. It was said to start in the early 1800s in Naples as a flatbread by the poor folk because of how cheap its ingredients were. It would be sold in small huts down the market at a small price. After Italy unified in 1861, the king and queen visited Naples in 1889. It's believed the king and queen were tired of their high fashion French cuisine and decided to have a poor man's flatbread. The queen enjoyed the pizza mozzarella the best, a flatbread with red tomato, white mozzarella, and green basil. They then renamed the pizza to Margherita Pizza after her majesty and evolved from there.

Luckily for us Pizza even made its way to America for all of us to enjoy and play with our own toppings like her Majesty Margherita. Until next time, and remember to keep on whipping!

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