More recently people have started going on "dairy free" diets. These diets consist of complete cut outs of dairy products such as milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and other dairy concentrated products with the hope of improved health. But the question remains: is it really worth it to cut out these foods? Are there any real benefits? The answer is YES! There are in fact many benefits to cutting out dairy.
For starters, many of the products containing dairy are also full of sugars, fats, and other harmful ingredients that heavily contribute to weight gain. Cutting out foods like ice cream, milk chocolate, and various cheeses will help weight loss. It has also been found that with dairy comes an increase in acne, and many have noticed a great decrease in their acne after reducing dairy in their diets. Many have also found an improvement in digestion with less dairy going through their system.
But does cutting out dairy mean no milk with you cereal? Yes and no. Many have found alternatives to many of the usual dairy products with non-dairy milks-juices taken from nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes that are packed with vitamins and minerals. Pouring almond milk into a bowl of cereal or mixing coconut creamer in coffee has left so many with the same satisfying morning breakfast with some extra added health benefits.
So now we know, going dairy free is a good option that can increase the health of most and maybe is a better option for you as well. I hope you learned something today, and remember Keep Whipping!