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  • Writer's pictureMalaq Ali

Anime Snacks

One of my favorite activities to do in my downtime is to watch Animes(Japanese animations). In one I have been watching recently the main characters travel to China where they indulge in many colorful and flavorful desserts and foods. One that caught my eye was Tang Hulu a traditional Chinese candied fruit snack, I wanted to try it for myself.


-Fruits of your choice (Washed thoroughly and dried well)


-Cooking thermometer

-300g sugar

-150g water


1.After washing and drying fruit, arrange on sewers to your liking.

2.In a pot mix in sugar and water and bring to a boil. Once boiling place in thermometer and wait until temperature hits around 250* F.

3. Once temperature hits quickly dip in fruit skewers, so fruit is completely covered and place on a greased surface to cool completely.

4. When cooled and completely hardened enjoy!

This recipe was so fun and easy, it was also super delicious. Try it out for yourself and remember to Keep Whipping!

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